Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the 2021 Glory Cup OLD tournament for the age group.
G10 - Silver 6 - Accepted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 A1 Avalanche SL/DW
Avalanche 10 White SL
0446-02XG12-9165   Bryant Blaser
 A2 Avalanche UC
Avalanche 10 White UC
0446-04XG12-9105   Mike LaHargoue
 A3 League 17 - 01
Sandy Stars FC G10
0117-01XG12-0162   Jim Zarate
 A4 Utah Glory
Utah Glory G10 Black RK
0200-01XG12-0191   Raquelle King
 A5 Independent - Region 5
Utah Rio FC 10G
0536-01XG12-0079   Tyler Benson
 A6 Atletico
L30 Atletico G10 - GR
0430-12XG12-0787   Gregory Rasmussen